Immersion langagière à Toronto avant le début de la session (par Édouard Laniel-Tremblay)

This second “hors série” post by a McGill MA student who was inspired to write about the recent Language Policy and Planning conference in Toronto comes to you mid-week. We are seizing every possible opportunity to remind our readers that BILD will take over the organizing of this conference the year after next. We hope to see you in Canada’s most linguistically politicized city in August 2020. Montreal—where language policy and planning are what you pick up at the dépanneur…

Du 24 au 26 août dernier s’est déroulée à Toronto la septième édition de la conférence Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning (Approches multidisciplinaires en politiques et planification linguistiques)

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“We are all treaty people”: Reaffirming the importance of treaty education in Saskatchewan (by Stephen Davis)

My name is Stephen Davis and I am a French immersion elementary school teacher, currently in my third year as an educator in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. This year I have the distinct pleasure of teaching a Grade 3/4 class, which is my favourite grade range to teach. My students are kind-hearted, inquisitive, and optimistic, equally enthusiastic about multiplication and Captain Underpants. Additionally, they are passionate about planets, fervent about fractions, and delirious about dodgeball. Moreover, my students are dedicated to discovering Indigenous knowledge at school and consider this learning an essential element of their education and citizenship.

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Vers une prise en compte des variations intralinguistiques dans l’enseignement de la grammaire du français au Québec (by Joël Thibeault and Dr. Isabelle Gauvin)

Didacticiens des langues, Joël Thibeault et Isabelle Gauvin sont professeurs, respectivement à l’Université de Regina et à l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Ils s’intéressent, entre autres, à la prise en compte du répertoire linguistique des élèves, aussi pluriel soit-il, dans l’enseignement de la grammaire du français.  

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Oh là là! Responding to the Globe and Mail’s criticisms of French immersion (by Stephen Davis)

I have come to know French immersion deeply over the years as a student, teacher, and researcher in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Throughout my life, this instructional program has been a source of tremendous enrichment, as it has been for millions of Canadians before me since its beginnings in 1965. Moreover, the benefits of French immersion have been documented extensively in peer-reviewed research, which include strong French proficiency, positive cultural identity, and social closeness to native French speakers. Nevertheless, writers for the Globe and Mail have repeatedly cast French immersion in an uncharitable light. I would like to respond to two relatively recent and especially erroneous articles: French immersion could do with a dose of reality (Gee, 2016) and There’s just one problem with French immersion… well, several, actually (Wente, 2016). Continue reading