A Hong Kong-Chinese-Canadian Goes to Shanghai . . .(by Janan Chan)

Janan Chan陳臻, our guest blogger this week, lives in Shanghai. His poems are published in The Mitre (118, 122, 126, 128), yolk. (1.1), Soliloquies Anthology (25.2), Warm Milk (3), and the chapbook “Water Lines”. Janan’s poems explore themes such as identity, place and belonging (Chinatown, Montreal, pg. 62-63); feelings of mundanity and ephemerality (Cavity Sonnet, […]

Translanguaging instinct: What does doodling have to do with language learning? (by Dr Sunny Man Chu Lau)

Recently I invited Dr. Marsha Liaw, Educational Director of a Chinese-English bilingual program in Massachusetts, to give a talk to my graduate class on pluriliteracies and trans-semiotization. We both share an understanding of language and literacy from a heteroglossic perspective (Blackledge & Creese, 2014) which highlights not only the interconnections between languages but also their […]