A second decade of BILD blogging welcomes readers back to the 2024-2025 academic year

Seen on the Sentiers du portage des mots, Eastman, Quebec (photo credit: Nina Benoit)

Welcome back, both newer and faithful longstanding readers of this blog, now heading into its second decade. We will begin regular biweekly posting in two weeks, on September 22nd. Both the BILD/LIDA blog and our J-BILD journal are undergoing exciting transformation this fall—stay posted!

As always, we encourage readers to consider contributing guest posts to the blog. Write us any time at bildlida@gmail.com. You will be joining a far-flung, loose-knit network of more than 100 blog writers near and far. Some of us have been regular contributors for years (anything up to ten!). Others started with a guest post or two and decided they enjoyed BILD-blogging so much that they too are now among the regulars. You could be one of them!

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