One teacher-one language (OTOL) – Reflections on daycare language policy (by Dr. Alison Crump)

It’s mid-summer. The end of the school year seems like so long ago, and the start of the new one is hovering nearby in the form of school supply shopping yet to come (a list of excess: 48 pencils, 15 large markers, 4 good quality white erasers, etc.). This is a summer of transition for my youngest daughter, who is about to start kindergarten, after 4 years of daycare. Daycares in Quebec, I should clarify, fall under the radar of Bill 101, meaning that they are not bound by any particular language policy. That said, there is considerable pressure from Montreal parents for daycares to provide some measure of an English-French bilingual environment, and it is common for children to attend daycare in one or more languages other than those they speak at home. As such, I suspect there are just as many creative approaches to language socialization in daycares in Montreal, as there are within families.

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Talking about race without using the r-word (but wishing we were): Part I

This week’s post is brought to you by BILD member Dr. Alison Crump and two guest bloggers Dr. Kristine Sudbeck and Korrine Byrnes.


Over the past year, I (Alison) have had the rather surprising and humbling experience of being contacted by people I have never met, who have in common that they read my LangCrit article and have found it useful for their own work on language, race, and identity. This has started many interesting conversations with scholars, both emerging and more seasoned, about how a LangCrit (Critical Language and Race Theory) lens is informing their research. It is so exciting to welcome some of this conversation to the BILD blog. First, some background on this co-blogging team. Continue reading