Languages do not “die”, they are persecuted: A Scottish Gael’s perspective on language “loss” (by Dr Paul Meighan-Chiblow)

This blog post includes a linked audio file. Just click on the link below if you would like to hear the post read aloud. Scroll down to read the text. Two-thirds of the world’s 7000-7500 languages are Indigenous languages. One-third of Indigenous languages are experiencing language loss and “as many as 90% are predicted to […]

(Un)learning cognitive and linguistic imperialism in English: Towards transepistemic language education (by Paul Meighan-Chiblow)

Just as I was finishing up a draft of this BILD post, I came across a very relevant and timely blog post on my Twitter feed, Can we ever unthink linguistic nationalism?, by Dr. Ingrid Piller and Dr. Aneta Pavlenko. I’d like to add to this discussion and dialogue by proposing the potential of transepistemic […]

“The more you know, the more you need to know”: Learning Gaelic and Ojibwe online during the pandemic (by Paul Meighan-Chiblow)

Aaniin, Boozhoo. Paul ndizhnikaaz. Alba indoonjibaa. Tkaronto ndidaa. N’gichinendam. Nimiigwechiwendam. Hello, my name is Paul. I come from Alba (Scotland) and live in Toronto. I am happy. I am grateful. ‘S e Gàidheal a th’annam. Tha mi à Glaschu. Tha mi ag ionnsachadh Anishinaabemowin agus Gàidhlig. ‘S math ur coinneachadh. I’m a Scottish Gael from […]