No Tomahawk Chop Needed!

Kahsennenhawe Mandy Jacobs

It’s human nature to want to fit in.  When in another country and I am a visitor and I come with respect for their land, their customs and their language (when in Rome!) Greeted by the locals I was readily accepted as one of them.  Because I look like a local.  But getting the scowl when I say I don’t speak their language. With the language barrier I had to represent who I was by doing the hand over mouth saying “woo – woo – woo” Only when I use a racist action and just short of doing the tomahawk chop made popular by a certain sports team, do they understand who I am.

The local women says,“It’s too bad, because you look like us”.   These words were never spoken to me on this side of the border.  I was finally not fish out of water. My heart beams because I finally fit in, unfortunately it’s a thousand miles away from my home.  The home of seven generations before me.  Where the government tried to assimilate us and take away my language and force me to speak theirs.

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