Glotopolíticas en la literatura digital (by Dr Verónica Paula Gómez)

Our guest blogger this week, Verónica Gómez, holds a Ph.D. in Humanities from the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (2020) in Argentina and is a research fellow at the Council of Scientific and Technical Research of Argentina (CONICET). Additionally, she holds an MA in Comparative Cultures and Literature (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2015) and a BA in Modern Literature (Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2008). Her research interest focuses on e-literature, examining how it locates itself when it abandons its national roots. Her current postdoctoral project is entitled: “Migrant Forms of Appearance of the Past in Latin American Digital Literature: Memories, Supports, Translations, Corporalities”. She is a member of a collective project entitled “Archives in Transition” supported by the European Union (RISE-Marie Curie, Horizon 2020-2024) and is looking forward to the Summer 2021 Semester where she will be teaching and researching in Frankfurt, Germany, facilitated by a DAAD grant. Verónica is inquisitive and loves travelling; she has lived in many countries (Canada, USA, Germany, Italy, New Zealand) and speaks multiple languages (Spanish, Italian, French, English, and German). She practices Ashtanga yoga daily, enjoys taking care of her plants, and cooking for friends and family. You can follow her on TW: @verogomezphd

¿Qué es la literatura digital?

Coca-Cola de Décio Pignatari (1958)

La literatura digital presenta un conjunto de artefactos literarios nacidos digitales, que se producen y se consumen exclusivamente para y en soporte digital. En este sentido, ya no se trata de un texto impreso que propone una lectura lineal y sintagmática, como lo haría un libro, sino de experiencias poéticas expandidas mediante el uso superpuesto de lenguas verbales y lenguajes intermediales (visuales, musicales, cinéticos, fotográficos). Los lenguajes entonces tienen un lugar destacado en tanto que materialidad que nos permite observar la tecnología de manera novedosa, crítica, ampliada a funciones poéticas, como antaño lo hiciera la tradición de la poesía visual.

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