Refusing to inHABIT the binary: Reflections on language, culture and identity in the colonial bubble (by Paul Meighan-Chiblow)

This week’s blog post includes a linked audio file. Just click on the link below if you would like to hear the post read aloud. Scroll down to read the text.

Paul Meighan-Chiblow is a Gàidheal from Glasgow, Scotland and currently a 1st year PhD student at McGill University in the Department of Integrated Studies in Education. He is a proud BILD member since September 2019 and this is his first blog post.

What does it mean to speak a language? What does it mean to belong or subscribe to a culture? And, where do these questions even reside?

**Spoiler alert: This blog entry is critical in Freirean awareness-raising and “problem-posing” terms (and perhaps in others depending on your personal point of view)**

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